Tuesday, 20 September 2011
9:00-9:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda | INSCRIPTION |
9:30-10:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda | INAUGURATION |
10:00-11:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda | INTRODUCTIONS Approaches in the Music-Archaeological Study of Ritual Soundings: A Keynote Arnd Adje Both Sound Artefacts as Indicators of Ritual Behaviours in Archaeological Contexts: An Ethnoarchaeology of Music and Ritual Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos |
11:00-11:30 | PAUSA |
11:30-13:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Emiliano Li Castro | MUSICAL RITES AND CULTS IN ROME The Music in the Orgiastic Cults of Sabazius and the “House of the Magic Rites” in Pompeii Roberto Melini The Phrygian tibia in the Cults of Dionysus/Bacchus and Cybele Olga Sutkowska Música, rito y sacrificio en la Roma imperial Isabel Rodríguez López |
13:00-15:00 Comedor Alfonso VIII | LUNCH BREAK |
15:00-16:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda | INAUGURATION OF POSTER EXHIBITION |
16:00-17:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Enrique Cámara de Landa | RITUAL MUSIC, SONG AND DANCE IN THE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAS: TRACES OF THE PAST Songworks: Insight into Musical Practices of the Past through Ethnography Helena Simonett Pachacamita and the apu Aconcagua, Chile Claudio Mercado The Danza de los Voladores in Puebla, Mexico: Rethinking the Past Grazia Tuzi |
17:30-18:00 | PAUSA |
18:00-19:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Zdravko Blažeković | MUSIC-RELATED FINDS FROM EAST ASIA: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES OF THE PAST The Enchanting yaoxianqi: A Neolithic Instrument Unearthed in China Dai Wei The koto and Rituals – Based on the Excavated koto from Archaeological Sites of Japan Chie Arayama |
20:00 Residencia Reyes Católicos | WELCOME DINNER |
Wednesday 21, September 2011
9:30-11:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Annemies Tamboer | MUSIC RITUAL AND TRANSFORMATION IN MIDDLE AND NORTHERN EUROPE: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE AND ETHNOGRAPHICAL PARALLELS Nordic Iron Rattles and their Use and Function in Ancient and Traditional Fertility Rites: An Ethno-Musicarchaeological Study Cajsa S. Lund
Musical Practices and Behaviours of the Ancient Slavs and their Predecessors in the Territory of Poland Dorota Poplawska
A Shaman Drum Hammer from the Medieval City of Turku, Finland Riitta Rainio |
11:00-11:30 | PAUSA |
11:30-13:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Eleonora Rocconi | MUSIC-RELATED FINDS FROM THE GREEK ANTIQUITY: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES Music, Performance, and Therapy in Ancient Greek Cult: The thymele at Epidauros Peter Schultz / Bronwen L. Wickkiser Music in Images of Animal Sacrifice on Ancient Greek Vases Ellen Van Keer The Greek Colony of Locri Epizefiri’s lyrai, auloi and kytharai: Morphology and Ritual Use Lucia Lepore |
13:00-15:00 Comedor Alfonso VIII | LUNCH BREAK |
15:00-16:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Mark Howell | MUSIC-RITUAL AND TRANSFORMATION IN THE AMERICAS: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE AND ETHNOGRAPHIC PARALLELS Ritual music as Sonorous Mask Anna Gruszczyńska-Ziółkowska Music and Anadenanthera: Relations between the Past and the Present Francisca Gili The Shape of Trance in Central Chile and Araucania José Pérez de Arce |
16:30-17:00 | PAUSA |
17:00-18:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Arnd Adje Both | HORNS AND BODIES IN THE MEDITERRANEAN: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES OF THE PAST The Voice of the Horn and Mixed Sex/Gender Musical Ensembles in Iron Age Israel Theodore Burgh The Etruscan lituus: The Ying and Yang of Etruscan Brass Peter Holmes Bodies that Sound: The Role of Music in Phoenician-Punic Rituals Mireia López-Bertran / Agnès Garcia-Ventura |
20:00-21:30 Aula Mergelina, Facultad de Derecho (Plaza de la Universidad) | CONCERT: OREKA Tx |
Thursday 22, September 2011
Excursion to Urueña
09:00 Plaza de la Universidad | MEETING POINT |
10:30-12:30 E-Lea Center Chair Raquel Jiménez Pasalodos | MUSIC-RELATED FINDS OF THE IBERIAN PENINSULA: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES OF THE PAST Aproximación arqueomusicológica a la escena de la “Caza del Ciervo” de Muriecho L (Colungo, Huesca) Carlos García Benito Sounds from Ancient Rocks Patricia Lopes Bastos The Vaccean Rattles: Toys or Magic Protectors? Fernando Romero Carnicero / Carlos Sanz Mínguez / Cristina Górriz Gañán / Roberto De Pablo Martínez La caracola de Sant Jaume (Montsià, Tarragona): recuperando un sonido de la Primera Edad del Hierro Marta Mateu / Isabel Moreno / Vicent Matamoros |
13:00-14:00 E-Lea Center | WORKSHOPS La realización de una copia facsímil del laúd copto conservado en Grenoble y sus resultados acústicos Carlos González Workshop on Palaeolithic Bone Pipe Production I Carlos García Benito Workshop on Palaeolithic Bone Pipe Production II Jean-Loup Ringot |
14:00-16:00 Restaurant Pago de Mar Feliz | LUNCH BREAK |
16:00-18:00 | MUSEUM TOURS Fundación Joaquín Díaz Museo de las Campanas Museo del Gramófono Museo de la Música Colección Luis Delgado |
20:00 | RETURN |
Friday 23, September 2011
09:00-10:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Roberto Melini | THE MUSICAL TRAIL OF DIONYSUS AND CYBELE The Kubaba/Cybele and di-wo-nu-so-jo/Dionysus Connections Placido Scardina Dionysus and Music in Italy before the Romans Daniela Castaldo Before and After 186 BC (Senatus Consultum de Bacchanalibus) Emiliano Li Castro |
10:30-11:00 | PAUSA |
11:00-13:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Anna Gruszczyńska-Ziółkowska | MUSIC-RELATED FINDS FROM THE PRE-COLUMBIAN AMERICAS: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES Origin and Meaning of the Hopewell Panpipe Mark Howell The Pre-Hispanic Measuring System of Complementary Lengths pichqa-tawa and the Determination of the Huari Ceremonial Sound (Peru, 600-1100 CE) Mónica Gudemos Acoustics, Architecture and Instruments in Ancient Chavín de Huántar, Peru Miriam A. / Perry R. Cook / Jonathan S. Abel / John W. Rick, with demonstration by José Luis Cruzado Coronel Flautas prehispánicas de la fase Comala, asociadas a danzas en cadena: agentes de una práctica ritual en el Occidente de México Abraham Elías López |
13:00-15:00 Comedor Alfonso VIII | LUNCH BREAK |
15:00-16:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Ellen Van Keer | PHILOLOGICAL APPROACHES ON MUSIC AND RITUAL PRACTICES IN THE GREEK ANTIQUITY Some Remarks on the Concept of Cultic and Religious Music in Ancient Greece Eleonora Rocconi Threnôidos, an Ancient Greek Profession: Reality and Imagination Konstantinos Melidis An Example of Musical Composition in Greek Rituals: the nomoi (Meaning, Performance, Instruments) Sylvain Perrot |
16:30-17:00 | PAUSA |
17:00-18:30 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Grazia Tuzi | MUSIC-RITUAL AND TRANSFORMATION IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA: ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE & ETHNOGRAPHICAL PARALLELS Music-archaeological Studies of Sound Production in the Shamanistic Ritual of the Miao People in Mainland Southeast Asia Gretel Schwörer-Kohl Musical Aspects of Sound and Ritual in Indian Rock Art, and the Living Traditions Meenakshi Dubey Pathak Ritualistic Drumming in the Temple of Tooth Relic in Sri Lanka Manoj Alawathukotuwa |
Saturday 24, September 2011
9:30-11:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair José Perez de Arce | MUSICAL RITES IN THE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAS: TRACES OF THE PAST Sonido, Ritual y Cosmovisión en los Andes: de las antaras de Nasca a los sikus de Puno Carlos Mansilla Vásquez Cajas and erkes in the Aestival Rituals of the Alto Jujuy, Argentina: Possible Proveniences Enrique Cámara de Landa Social Reproduction, Music (Sound Production) and Ideology in Rituals of Eskimo Societies Jesús Salius Gumá |
11:00-11:30 | PAUSA |
11:30-13:00 Aula Magna Lope de Rueda Chair Cajsa Lund | MUSIC-RELATED FINDS FROM MIDDLE AND NORTHERN EUROPE: EVIDENCE FOR RITUAL MUSIC PRACTICES OF THE PAST Scenes of Dance on Medieval Bosnian Gravestones Zdravko Blažeković Ritual, Magic, and Symbol: Horns in the Netherlands from the Middle Ages to the Present Day Annemies Tamboer Use of the Bagpipes in Religious Rituals in Pre-Industrial European Societies Jean-Pierre Van Hees |